Memorial from Wm. E. Blackstone, Chairman of the Conference of Christians and Jews, to Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States, and James G. Blaine, Secretary of State (Mar. 5,1891), http://www.amfi.org/blackmem.htm.
A Letter from Arthur James Balfour, Foreign Secretary, to Lord Rothschild, The Balfour Declaration (Nov. 2, 1917), http://web.archive.org/web/20020910095730/http://wzo.org.il/home/big/d152b.jpg (^).
A Letter from Feisal Husseini, King of Syria and Iraq, to Felix Frankfurter, Associate of Dr. Chaim Weizmann (Mar. 3, 1919), reprinted in SAMUEL KATZ, BATTLEGROUND: FACT & FANTASY IN PALESTINE (1973), available at http://www.eretzyisroel.org/~samuel/feisal2.html.
David Ben-Gurion, Address at the Basle Session of the 20th Zionist Congress in Zurich, Switzerland (Aug. 1937), quoted in No Jew Has the Right to Give Up (Eretz Yisrael) the Land of Israel, MACCABEAN ONLINE, Feb. 2004, http://www.freeman.org/m_online/feb04/ben-gurion.htm. Corrected.
Debate of the First Knesset on Annexation of the West Bank by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (May 3, 1950), in 2 MAJOR KNESSET DEBATES, 1948-1981, at 571 (Netanel Lorch ed., Dorothea Vanson-Shefer trans., 1993), available at www.jcpa.org/art/knesset6.htm (“We are confronted by a problem of that kind today, but our position is far better, since we have control of 80 percent of our territory . . . although 20 percent of our territory has been annexed by the neighboring Arab country….” – Foreign Minister, M. Sharett). [Included Glossary of Political Parties and Personalities]
Memorandum from Earle G. Wheeler, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff to Robert S. McNamara, Secretary of Defense, Subject: Middle East Boundaries (June 29, 1967), http://www.jinsa.org/articles/print.html?documentid=496.
Memorandum of Conversation Between Henry A. Kissinger, U.S. Secretary of State, and Sadun Hammadi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iraq (Dec. 17, 1975), available at http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/
NSAEBB193/HAK-12-17-75.pdf (Kissinger: “We can’t negotiate about the existence of Israel but we can reduce its size to historical [sic] proportions.”). |
Statement to the United Nations General Assembly by Foreign Minister Dayan, 10 October 1977, in 4-5 ISRAEL’S FOREIGN RELATIONS (n.d.), http://tinyurl.com/m9dna (“No state today has any claims of sovereignty, to what was Mandatory Palestine, that are better than or even equal to Israel’s claims.”).
Circa 1977
Chaim Herzog, Israeli Ambassador to the UN, Jewish Settlements in “the Territories” Aren’t the Problem, Address to the United Nations (1975-78), in FRONTPAGEMAG.COM, Apr. 9, 2003, http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=7142.
Background: Rabin’s Forgotten Program – No Palestinian State, No Settlement Freeze, Gush Katif as Model, IMRA, Mar. 27, 2004, http://www.imra.org.il/story.php3?id=20239 (summarizing Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Address Before the Knesset (Oct. 5, 1995)). |