[Fallacy of “Occupation”] Category refutes the applicability of the term “occupation” in a restrictive or broader sense to Israel. The first article provides historical background for the subject.
Howard Grief, The Origin of the Occupation Myth, NATIV ONLINE, Oct. 2005,
Originally published: http://www.acpr.org.il/NATIV/2005-4/2005-4-contents.htm,
Originally published: http://www.acpr.org.il/ENGLISH-NATIV/08-issue/grief-8.htm
Republished 2021: https://israelwhitepaper.org/origin-of-occupation-myth-by-howard-grief/
Moshe Dann, Legality of the Settlements
http://www.israelwhitepaper.org/Legality_of_Settlements.doc (added Apr. 26, 2006).
Similar but not the same article, by Moshe Dann:
Dore Gold, From “Occupied Territories” to “Disputed Territories”, JERUSALEM VIEWPOINTS (Jerusalem Ctr. for Pub. Affairs, Jerusalem, Isr.), Jan. 16, 2002,
Richard Haar, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon Responds to Richard Haar’s Question at Israel Bonds Breakfast-Reception, UNITEDJERUSALEM.ORG, May 23, 2005,
Doron Kescher, Europe’s Preoccupation with Occupation, ISRAELINSIDER, June 4, 2003
Press Release, Morton A. Klein, President of ZOA , Op-Ed, There Is No “Occupation” (May 10, 2002),
Eugene V. Rostow, Israeli Settlement and the Geneva Convention, N.Y. TIMES, Apr. 1, 1992, at A24, available at
Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, Remarks at the Pentagon Town Hall Meeting (Aug. 6, 2002), excerpted in
Boris Shusteff, The Myth of “Occupied” Territories, MACCABEAN ONLINE, June 2001,
Mark Wildes, Occupied Land, ISR. HASBARA COMMITTEE, Apr. 28, 2003,